July 30, 2016

If My Clothes Could Talk: The 3 Things They Would Tell Me

If My Clothes Could Talk: The 3 Things They Would Tell Me Last Saturday, it was my turn to do a closet-ectomy. (My husband had done his side a couple of weeks ago, so I […]
March 30, 2016

One Month Until Tax Day: 4 Tips for Filing On-Time This Year

One Month Until Tax Day: 4 Tips for Filing On-Time This Year The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax. ~Albert Einstein Just the thought of preparing income tax returns strikes […]
November 28, 2015

Organizing Your Personal Information: Why Do You Need to Do It?

Organizing Your Personal Information: Why Do You Need to Do It? Keeping all your important documents in one place and organizing your personal information can come in quite handy in case of an emergency. By […]